Welcome , we are happy to offer you our various family benefits.
Just browse through our offer.
Online courses
Get your exclusive access to storchgeflüster, Germany’s award-winning & largest platform for online courses on fertility, pregnancy, birth, and parental leave. Choose from more than 1,000 video tutorials those, which perfectly fit you and your needs. Click here.
Group LIVE Sessions
We offer you regular online group LIVE sessions with doctors and experts. There you have the opportunity to ask your own questions and also to exchange ideas and experiences with others from the community. Click here.
One-on-one LIVE Sessions
You would like to have an individual online session with doctors or experts without having to search for a long time and worry about appointments? You can look forward to your fast lane access to gynecologists, midwives, coaches, and many more.
Fertility Clinic Offers
Are you interested in social freezing or artificial insemination? We help you to find suitable offers and accompany you during this process. The best thing: Your employer even supports you financially!
Welcome package
We have wonderful Welcome Boxes for your fertility journey, pregnancy & postpartum time. Let yourself be surprised and look forward to the mailman ringing your doorbell soon.
Do you have questions about peaches and/or storchgeflüster? Here we have summarized some frequently asked questions. Click here.
Overview experts
Here you will find an overview of cooperation and medical partners that you can currently book through peaches. Click here.
Note: offers colored in gray are not booked under the contract between Stahl and peaches and, therefore, cannot be used.