Family-friendly companies
Family-friendly companies are the trend for young professionals and have a clear competitive advantage during the shortage of skilled workers
Reconciling child and career is one of the big issues of our time, which is characterized by self-determination and equal opportunities at the individual level, but also by a shortage of skilled workers and the pursuit of diversity at the company level.
By 2035, the number of people in the workforce will fall by 7 million, and thus a relatively overlooked group of people will become increasingly interesting for companies: Women! Although they make up 50.7% of society, many companies have not yet recognized this untapped potential or perceived it as a temporary investment. Because one day the question of either child OR career will come up. And according to surveys, 44% of women are afraid of this decision.
It has long been clear that companies can no longer afford the OR and that we would have 800,000 more female workers available in Germany at one stroke if the compatibility of child AND career were given (source: ACI). Companies that position themselves as women- and family-friendly are clearly part of the trend and fully in line with a successful diversity strategy.
The battle for the best female specialists and managers has long since begun. At the same time, the pressure is growing immensely to be able to show women in top management. But where to take them from?
Experience from other countries such as the US, the UK, and Scandinavia shows that the compatibility of children and careers must begin when employees start thinking about starting a family. Since in the vast majority of cases this conflicts with career planning, companies can become the biggest game-changer for employees and provide that certain WOW effect.
The solution is called family-friendly values that are being lived instead of bluffed. So-called fertility benefits (also known as family-building benefits) are an important lever for this.
What characterized family-friendly companies?
Facilitate compatibility of child and career
Promote employee health
Increase diversity and help women reach leadership positions
In principle, especially the aspect of compatibility can take on various forms: From the company’s own daycare facility to flexible working time models such as job sharing all the way to closing the gender pay gap. As a rule of thumb, the larger an organization is, the more it should have offers on hand to cover many individual interests.
In keeping up with the zeitgeist, family planning support has become an increasingly valuable component of a company’s family-friendly positioning and employer branding.
This includes offers around trying to conceive, pregnancy & birth, postpartum & returning to work, up to support during menopause. At the same time, responsible companies strive to make such offers available not only to straight women who are in a relationship but to do so regardless of gender or marital status. Thus, also, solo moms (to be), gay couples, and men can profit from it.
How does the award come about?
peaches gives a voice to those companies that further enable the compatibility of child and career with the help of our fertility benefits.
In this way, you provide your employees with the realistic possibilities for family planning.
At the same time, you help target issues such as mental health and women’s health, filling a gap in the health care system.
Have you ever

thought about it?
The peaches team has probably the largest network of doctors and experts in the field of fertility, pregnancy, birth & postpartum in German-speaking countries and thinks about fertility benefits even in the direction of menopause, the end of female fertility.
In addition, with storchgeflüster and KiwuKlinik24 as part of its portfolio, peaches leverages the most renowned platformsin the fertility space to holistically support your employees digitally 24/7. Fertility and family planning should not be tied to specific times.
With peaches, your employees experience an unprecedented service that inspires and triggers a new level of employee retention.
Get ready for fertility benefits from peaches and profit from the new trend of helping employees balance career and family planning.
We actively help you with the transformation into a
family-friendly company, including employer branding and appropriate marketing support.
Last but not least: when interacting with the peaches team, you will discover its passion to help you launch fertility benefits that really make sense and bring positive change to your company.